2778 8833

Magnetic Insect Screen

About Us

Mosquito Screen Ltd. (MSL) was established in 1995, which is the premium supplier in the industry.

MSL offers a wide variety of products including insect screens, awnings, Italy rolling shutter, canopies, glass house, Japan pre-fabricated house and railings etc. MSL devotes to provide professional service and quality products.

Our major clients consist of direct end user, design firm, contractor, education sector, government and so on. Throughout these years, we have delivered many excellent projects to our customers, which is a trustful and experience systems installation.

Our Promise

We promise to provide the best price and services to our customer.

Our major client including the followings:
‧ The Chinese University of Hong Kong
‧ The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
‧ Sam Yuk Middle School
‧ Po Leung Kuk
‧ Tung Wah Group of Hospital
‧ Tze Te Home for the Aged

本公司以設計及生產防蚊網為主 , 所有主要原料均由美國進口 , 質量有所保證 ; 現除了以西貢,大埔及旺角為營業點外 , 本公司亦在中國廣東東莞設置工廠生產各類防蚊網出口 , 產品遠銷東南亞及歐洲 .
除了生產防蚊網外 , 本公司亦代理及直接進口 意大利捲閘門窗 ,歐陸式 帆布帳篷 及 戶外組合屋等 , 為顧客設計及安裝各類捲閘門窗 , 帆布帳篷 , 蚊網 , 玻璃屋及各式簷篷 / 採光棚頂等工程 , 歡迎顧客致電 2778 8833 查詢 , 或到網站 www.mosquitohk.com.

Copyright 2005. Mosquito Screen Ltd. All Right Reserved
電話 : 2778 8833 傳真 : 2791 6008 負責人 : 何 小姐 E-mail: mosquitohk@mosquitohk.com